We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to the dedicated employees of Neurocrine Biosciences at The Village at Pacific Highlands Ranch. As part of our commitment to fostering a vibrant community, we’re excited to introduce a special page exclusively for you.
Discover a world of exclusive offerings and discounts crafted just for Neurocrine Biosciences employees. Whether you’re exploring dining options, shopping for the latest trends, or seeking entertainment, this page is your gateway to unique benefits within The Village.
To access these fantastic discounts, simply present your Access Badge at participating establishments. Your Neurocrine Biosciences affiliation unlocks a realm of savings and special privileges, our way of expressing gratitude for your invaluable contributions.
Explore, indulge, and make the most of your experience at The Village. We look forward to enhancing your time here and creating lasting memories.
Welcome to The Village at Pacific Highlands Ranch – where community and commerce come together to celebrate you, the heart of Neurocrine Biosciences!
10% off on in-store purchases
Not online
15% discount for services
Free orange juice with the purchase of a breakfast item from 6-10am
Free chips & salsa with a $50 purchase
2 tacos for $10 carne asada, pollo asada, carnitas, or adobado
10% off order
10% off the bill
$50 off your first medical spa service of $100+ service
10% off all medical spa services
First free class
Discount on our unlimited membership (ongoing)
extend $20 off order to get the discount they must first take the class and sign up in person, if they wish not to sign up in person we can also send out a direct purchase link after they take their first class.